My adek gen's words in shs, Hanif Abida. I found it in my fav's twitter. Really agree with what she've been tweeted ><
She may not be your dream come trueShe may not be the shooting star you've always wishedBut she always trying to be that one girl you've always neededShe won't mind sleeping a little bit later just to talk to you, the guy she's been in love withJust so you know, you've always been in her prayer, in her every 11:11 wishesShe hates waiting, but when it comes the time that she must waiting for someone she loves, she won't careShe may get jealous sometimes, but never get the wrong wayAll of them mean that she loves youShe loves you a little too much
Just for intermezzo :D
My dad said,
"Other country may have their white christmas now, but Indonesia
have their wet christmas"
"Wet christmas ??"
" Yes, i mean rain"
i blame you
you drop, fall, and come in wrong time
i blame you
you ruin my plans
my mood gettin' worse
even i'll get better instead
still, i blame you, rain
there !
in my country is mom’s day ~ I think you alr know bout mom’s day, rite ? Maybe
you celebrates it on other date, depends on your country. But don’t you want to
know why my country, Indonesia, celebrates it on Dec 22th ? waeyo ? wei shen me ? ok, let me tell ya ^^
day is celebrated nationally on Dec 22th. It’s the day of the
first Indonesian Women Congress from Dec 22th to 25 th 1928.
It was attended by 30 feminist organizations . In Indonesia, feminist
organizations have existed since 1912, inspired by Indonesian heroines of the
19th century, e.g., Kartini, Martha Christina Tiahahu, Cut Nyak
Meutia, Maria Walanda Maramis, Dewi Sartika, Nyai Ahmad Dahlan, Rasuna
Said, etc.
idea to make the day official was started during the third Indonesian Women
Congress in 1938. It was signed by President Soekarno under the
Presidential Decree. The day was originally aimed to celebrate the spirit of
Indonesian women and to improve the condition of the nation.
Now mom's
day is celebrated by expressing love and gratitude to mothers. People present
gifts to mothers, such as flowers, hold surprise parties and competitions such
as cooking competition or kebaya wearing competition. People also
allow mothers to have their day off from doing domestic chores.
So now,
you alr know, rite ?
i want my holiday now .
spend my time with videos,
and many other .
spend some rupiahs to hang out wtf friends or fams.
ok, be patient, 3weeks, and i'll have my holiday.
my short holiday ...
recycled magazine paper into beautifull box and
arranged donats into 7
how i really miss those moment
when finally we became family, rite ? ;)
pembicaraan singkat dengan eyang dan penyakitnya
maaf tidak bisa menjadi cucu yang engkau harapkan
maaf tidak bisa menjadi seorang dokter
tapi tolong bertahanlah, tolong tetap
temani aku
hingga aku bisa memamerkan kesuksesanku dengan bidangku yang sekarang
dia yang
namanya pernah kusebut di sini, terima kasih
membuatku termotivasi untuk mulai tersenyum setiap saat
really bored with the
i need more times to do my fangirl life . really .
sorry for random talk.
been weeks (or months ?)
since my last fanart aaargh !
here’s our eunhyuk ^^
" ... when she is in love, she will act both ways.
first, shy and polite
trembling to be near you
second, attach to you like glue and trying to
be with you all the times
she is not stingy, but you will not surprise
if you see she collecting old or broken junks
she sees that everything
are useful to her
she will find a way to re-use it again some day
is not a jealous type, but possessive
the best part of her is that she will sacrifice everything for her love
one with no limit
don’t leave her in times of troubles, she will never
forget it
she is not a weak type, even she looks like one
example if
you argue with her, she might cry her heart out
the cancer woman need 2 things to be happy which are “work” and “love”
she can be live in a dusty house, but she can not live in that same
house with no love ... "
Kali ini Baik Su Restaurant yang ada di Darmo Park I Mayjend Sungkono. Sebenernya ini korean day ketiga. Yang kedua di Mu Gung Hwa Cafe & Resto, di Darmo Park II. Cuma karna menurutku tempatnya biasa aja, jadi nggak kutulis disini *mian yaa. Yang menarik dari mu gung hwa cuma sumpitnya. Mereka make sumpit besi yang kayak di korea pada umumnya. Dan itu bikin makan tambah susah yaa, kalo aku sih .__.
Baik Su. Peserta korean day ada aku, depo, oci, tia -as usual lah yaa-. Penampilan luarnya biasa aja. Tapi pas masuk langsung kerasa koreanya. Apalagi pas ke lantai 2, lesehan. Tempatnya dempet-dempet tapi nyaman. Interiornya khas.
its alr a month since A-Cha teaser released. but i just finished this pic hours ago. pitty yaa = ="
hope ya all like it lah ~
hope ya all like it lah ~
"pirates :) apakabar ? gimana kuliahnya ? kangen kalian ~"
i texted ya all like that yesterday . got some replies , make me realize that me really really miss ya guys so bad :")
" Baik sovii kamu gimana :)
mangkanya ayo reuniii "
- Idriansyah Faqul Aslam -
" Eh sovi. Baek alhamdulillah.
Yo wes ngunu iku sov :D "
- Abdul Rahman Priswanto -
" haloo copp
Alhamdulillah baik, km gmn ?
Baik2 aja kuliahnya , cuman aku gk ada ospek wkwk
kalo kangen ngumpul yuk haha "
- Ginanjar Adhi Prakoso -
" Alhamdulillah lancar sov , km gmn ?
Kangen banget nget nget sama kalian "
- Anugrah Rinaldy -
" Alhamdulillah baik sov..
neh ge bdminton eu .. ekskul ..
km lg opo ? ap kbr ? "
- Fitria Riski Aprilina -
" Soviiiiiii :* :* :*
Kangeeen poool, kuliah gilak parah ini badan ud hampir kayak kakak farah quinn uwooo
Pengen balik sma x( ak kangen nntn film bareng2, main uno, nggosip, semuanyaa, disini shock culture sof :( "
- Zakiah Nur Suraya -
" No need to text me like that lah , si sama tl kan deketan, tinggal jalan xD "
- Devita Swadani Dwinelasari -
" Kabar baik, kuliahnya buanyak tugaas
Aku juga kangen
Coppppiiii :) "
- Rizky Amalia El Fita -
" Baik :D km gmn ? Kuliah asik2 aja , hehe "
- Katya Alvina Canakya -
" Alhamdulillah sibuk TT.TT
Ayo ngumpuuuul "
- Rahma Oktia Kristanti -
" Aku juga kangeen
Kuliahku abis libur seminggu sov
Gimana pengkaderanmu ? "
- Monika Maytri -
" Itb anaknya ndewandewa yah -_- "
- Dahlan Iskan -
" Alhamdulillah , bahagia jg dsini kelasku kompak. aku nemu temen sjawat kyk peka jg hehe
kangen jg huhuhu
so swit pek pake sms gnian "
- Masyrifah -
" Sibuk sov. Haha.
Ayo ngumpul2 :D "
- Bimo Sasongko -
" Haloo .. Kangen juga aku .. :)
Alhamdulillah baik , km gmana ? "
- Mas Masyrifah-
emang nggak semua yang nge-reply sih , kayaknya ada yang pending juga , tapi percaya ato nggak , aku nangis pas baca replyan kalian rek . aku yakin kalian semua sedang dalam keadaan baik-baik saja . aku yakin kita bisa survive . sampai jumpa 5taun lagi kawan , dengan kesuksesan kita masing-masing ! salam PIRA7ES ! :))
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." C.S. Lewis.
*) reblogged from Muhammad Aryo Bimo Yuwono
Heey ! uri oppa , B1A4 , will comeback with their 2nd mini album , Beautiful Target . And i got excited with their teaser photo . Here they are ..
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BARO . handsome as always , rite ? |
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SHINWOO . like his glasses #eh |
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JINYOUNG . uri leader ~ |
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GONGCHAN . super cute maknae with his new curly hair ^^ |
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SANDEUL . love ya kakaak ! |
How ? How ? that's really teased me ><
Let's wait their comeback patiently ne :))
Konbanwa minna ~^^
Akhirnya bisa balik juga buat ngeblog . Beberapa hari terakhir
bener-bener huft abis -being new college student isnt easy. Dua hari pertama
kuliah , dua hari pula pulang telat .
Hari pertama, jadwal kuliah sampe jam 3 . Tapi karna dosennya ada
acara lain , jam setengah satu uda pulang. Yasuda , pulang rumah . jam 4 balik
lagi buat MAHAL TL (malam halal bihalal teknik lingkungan) sampe jam 10.
Hari kedua, cuma ada satu kelas . Jam 11 sampe 1, kalkulus –pas
tau ada mata kulia ini, serius, aku shock.
Tapi hari kedua ini amazing abis. Pertemuan pertama uda dapet
tugas 50+ soal kalkulus –ih waw abis kan. Sakjane gitu soale nggak terlalu sulit, kayak
soal sma. Tapi karna uda vakum belajar 3bulanan, jadi yaaa , lholhok seketika. Yang lebih amazing lagi
, dikumpulinnya hari keempat. Nah loh .Jadinya ya anak-anak TL yang se-dosen,
yang sama-sama dapet tugas, ngadain kerja kelompok dadakan. Setelah
kumpul-kumpul sama senior, sholat maghrib , dll kami –aku , firda , nanda , bima
, fahmi , wahid- menuju kostan si dewa-bagus pake 2motor , masing-masing
bonceng 3. Awalnya bagi tugas , tapi pas tengah-tengah aku mbuntu. Dan semakin
mbuntu dan mbuntu dan mbuntu. Eh pas liat jam , uda jam 9 –emang ya waktu
berjalan cepet banget. Yaa kami cuss deh balik.
Hari ketiga, FULL. Ada kelas dari jam 9 sampe jam 4. Jeda ±1jam.
Nyoba penyetan ayam di kantin , eh pedesnya kok naudubila yah. Harga ? mahal
untuk kantong anak kost , 7500 tanpa minum –di Gebang dapet penyetan ayam
plus es teh.
Hari keempat, tugas kalkulusku belum selesai ew ew~ Karna kelas
kalkulus jam 11 , akhirnya saya dan beberapa anak TL nggarap bareng sama
anak-anak TC –helmy dan kawan kawan. Pas kelas , mbahas tugas , maju satu-satu
–mirip pak sri smala #eh. Dan melongo pas tahu yang tak kerjain banyak
salahnya, nggak teliti blaaas huh.
Alhamdulillah yah, sesuatu banget yah kuliah itu. Susah susah
nyenengin –namanya juga hidup , nggak susah nggak hidup. Yang penting dinikmati
aja sih. Bisa ngrasain jadi maba cuma sekali –kecuali taun depan mau
"pindah". Hidup itu kan sebuah proses. Jadi ya kalo mau nikmati
hidup, nikmati aja prosesnya. Proses jadi maba ._. Toh as long as kita nglakuin yang terbaik , hasilnya
pasti yang terbaik pula kan.
Eh udah malem ding ! Besok ada kelas pagi.
kata , enjoy ur life with do the best deh ! salam IJO ! *ceileeh
" hei conan , benarkah manusia bisa berubah ? perasaan manusia yang terpisah jauh ..
pedih ya .. kalau hanya menunggu .."
-ran mouri-
" jangan khawatir ! kak shinichi pasti tetap seperti yang kak ran harapkan . makanya , jangan cemas ! "
-conan edogawa-
Hey minna ! how’s life ?
I’ve just watched a k-drama that make me want to share it . had been done with it last evening , this noon I’ve rewatched 4 episodes of it –for screencaping, I think it’ll happen over and over and over ~^,^~
White Christmas , I called it best teen kdrama ever ! it’s not a new drama though , released last january till march this year . Told about seven students who received a letter filled with hatred ..
“ You tainted me , made me pitiful.
You made me a monster in the corner.
You silenced me.
You ridiculed my false hope.
You took the only thing I had and put it around your neck.
I held out my hand and you let go.
You deleted me from your eyes.
Finally, you overtook me.
Merry Christmas , Happy New Year.
After 8 days , walk up the path by the zelkova tree.
Under the clock tower, you will see someone dead.
I curse you. “
At first , after heard that , I thought it’s told about revenge or mystery . But the fact was .. *jeng jeng jeng jeng* complicated. It has 8 episodes. Usually I just need a day to finish dorama with 11 episodes. But for “white christmas” I took 2days. Duration for each episode’s 65 to 70 minutes. It’ll take about 9 hours if I wanna finish it a day , rite ? I can’t stand that long chingu yaa ¬,¬
If you’re a fangirl who watches drama by it casts, don’t worry, its really high recommended :p
why ? The main casts is 7 boys, a girl, and an ahjussi. 5 of 9 main casts are models. Curious ? Check it out ~
*ps. now Kim Hyun Joong is known as Kim Woobin, in case you dont know ^^
Halo haloo ! Here's Eunhyuk Spao Ad fanart ~
actually i already made another eunhyuk-spao-ad sketch . Unlucky me , my scanner's "ngadat". haaaarsh ~
We’re all lost in our thoughts, bearing various obligations
There are dreams we turn towards, while reaching out to others
Clench your teeth and lift your chin up
“Screw this! I’m not losing!” Steel your heart
And move forward little by little
Even if it’s muddy now a large flower will bloom one day
Place your hand on your heart and ask yourself, “Am I doing all I can?”
Come on, let’s go!!! Let’s make it better now
Realize that you’ll see tomorrow someday, each footstep is not in vain
Just be proud in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
Everyone stumbles when things don’t go the way they planned
We think we’re the only ones and close our hearts, giving up
I felt pitiful when people made fun of me
I would blame someone else and run away
I couldn’t stand being so weak
Someday we’ll meet our ultimate selves
So you should laugh when you’re feeling miserable
Can you see what’s important?
Come on, let’s go!!! I know you can make it to your tomorrow
Realize that you will see it someday, each footstep becomes you
Raise your fist in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
Hey yo! Just keep on walking it!!!
That’s all you need to do
Being special is nothing but a lie
Every walking day made you what you are now
I sweated as I moved forward and made myself, now here I stand
Don’t cry, don’t lose the heart to go after your enormous dream
Have unfading courage in your heart
The key that opens up the your unseen tomorrow
Realize that you’ll see tomorrow someday, each footstep is not in vain
Just be proud in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
Realize that you will see it someday, each footstep becomes you
Raise your fist in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
cr : makikawaii
There are dreams we turn towards, while reaching out to others
Clench your teeth and lift your chin up
“Screw this! I’m not losing!” Steel your heart
And move forward little by little
Even if it’s muddy now a large flower will bloom one day
Place your hand on your heart and ask yourself, “Am I doing all I can?”
Come on, let’s go!!! Let’s make it better now
Realize that you’ll see tomorrow someday, each footstep is not in vain
Just be proud in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
Everyone stumbles when things don’t go the way they planned
We think we’re the only ones and close our hearts, giving up
I felt pitiful when people made fun of me
I would blame someone else and run away
I couldn’t stand being so weak
Someday we’ll meet our ultimate selves
So you should laugh when you’re feeling miserable
Can you see what’s important?
Come on, let’s go!!! I know you can make it to your tomorrow
Realize that you will see it someday, each footstep becomes you
Raise your fist in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
Hey yo! Just keep on walking it!!!
That’s all you need to do
Being special is nothing but a lie
Every walking day made you what you are now
I sweated as I moved forward and made myself, now here I stand
Don’t cry, don’t lose the heart to go after your enormous dream
Have unfading courage in your heart
The key that opens up the your unseen tomorrow
Realize that you’ll see tomorrow someday, each footstep is not in vain
Just be proud in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
Realize that you will see it someday, each footstep becomes you
Raise your fist in these important days and let’s continue our “walk”
cr : makikawaii
Finally , my super junior 5jib teaser fanarts done . Just made 5 of 10 . I know its tooo late , but , wanna share ~^,^~
[FANART] Super Junior 5 jib teaser - Eunhyuk
[FANART] Super Junior 5 jib teaser - Kyuhyun
[FANART] Super Junior 5 jib teaser - Ryeowook
[FANART] Super Junior 5 jib teaser - Leeteuk
[FANART] Super Junior 5 jib teaser - Heechul

This song’s dedicated to my beloved high school family , my PIRATES ,
my PItoe Reguler TErakhir Smala ..
Remember those day's melody
It was fun
Definitely, don't forget all our buddies
No matter how much time passes
Day by day
Goodbye to those days when we laughed
Step forward to that future
And definitely realize that dream
We were always on the same road
On the way home
Those days when we fooled around and laughed
We weren't afraid of anything!
But dreams and reality shake feelings
With that "Same-as-always fellow"
Chatting and writing the day's Love Song
Even now, is it still within your chest?
That melody
The chord was C
Within the continually flowing days, did you smile?
Things like creating something to protect
Weren't you always smiling?
It's no lie
That isn't a weak heart
It's alright
It's definitely a very strong one
Day by day
Remember those days' melody
It was fun
Definitely, don't forget all our buddies
No matter how much time passes
Day by day
Goodbye to those days when we laughed
Step forward to that future
And definitely realize that dream
Remember the scenery that we always saw
The strength for the sake of starting a journey is different
Time goes round and round, and we became adults
I remember there is just one thing I've forgotten
That is a very painful thing, but it exists
That is a very strong thing, but it exists
The future is starting
Pass on your precious things (to those who will come after)
Within the continually flowing days, did you smile?
Things like creating something to protect
Weren't you always smiling?
It's no lie
That isn't a weak heart
It's alright
It's definitely a very strong one
One by one, you chose the form
What you said was a little different from that time
That's not something to be ashamed of
Because you created other precious things
I understand! Even if you don't contact me again
"Somewhere you are healthily doing things, right?"
(Working towards) the future you believed in
Becoming greatly happy (with someone)!
Day by day
Remember those days' melody
It was fun
Definitely, don't forget all our buddies
No matter how much time passes
Day by day
Goodbye to those days when we laughed
Step forward to that future
And definitely realize that dream