Hello, nice to meet you
You're prettier than I thought you would be
I heard a lot about you
I hear you've been looking for a good person lately
It's a pleasure, nice to meet you
You're more handsome than I thought you would be
I also heard about you
that you're lonely
I think this will be an okay fate
Do you feel what I feel too
I feel like you know me already
This thrilling joy
Let's meet tomorrow and the day after that
I want to get to know you more
I'm curious and excited
It looks like I'll come to like you
Did you sleep? Did you have a good dream
I happen to have nothing to do today
I want to buy you a cup of coffee
If you have time, do you want to meet
I found you, the weather is really nice
I also don't have anything to do today
I thought about what I should do
Let's meet right now
You and me together
You and me together
Oh baby baby
I hope that this is your mind too
I feel like up until now, my painful loves
have been a lie
Thank you so much
We fit so well together
You must feel this feeling too
It feels like this world is a park
just for the two of us
Let's get to know each other slowly
Carefully, carefully, like every day is the first
Like our first meeting pushed us together
Always with a fluttering heart
Let's try
You're prettier than I thought you would be
I heard a lot about you
I hear you've been looking for a good person lately
It's a pleasure, nice to meet you
You're more handsome than I thought you would be
I also heard about you
that you're lonely
I think this will be an okay fate
Do you feel what I feel too
I feel like you know me already
This thrilling joy
Let's meet tomorrow and the day after that
I want to get to know you more
I'm curious and excited
It looks like I'll come to like you
Did you sleep? Did you have a good dream
I happen to have nothing to do today
I want to buy you a cup of coffee
If you have time, do you want to meet
I found you, the weather is really nice
I also don't have anything to do today
I thought about what I should do
Let's meet right now
You and me together
You and me together
Oh baby baby
I hope that this is your mind too
I feel like up until now, my painful loves
have been a lie
Thank you so much
We fit so well together
You must feel this feeling too
It feels like this world is a park
just for the two of us
Let's get to know each other slowly
Carefully, carefully, like every day is the first
Like our first meeting pushed us together
Always with a fluttering heart
Let's try
BRUK . Anak lelaki itu melempar tasnya sembarang, menghiraukan laptop
yang ada di dalamnya, lalu dengan cepat melesat ke kerumunan
gerombolan gorilla galau cinta. Sebenarnya tidak ada gerombolan
dengan nama itu. Hanya sebutanku untuk mereka. Kenapa kusebut begitu?
Coba tengok, gerombolan dengan tiga orang berbadan gempal yang ukuran
bajunya pasti lebih dari xxxl, berkumis, dan berambut kribo abis.
Makin terlihat menyeramkan karena warna kulit hitam legam. Oh ayolah,
aku tidak bermaksud bersikap diskriminatif. Hanya saja, penampakan
seperti itu benar-benar membuat orang ngeri. Mirip gerombolan
gorilla. Tapi coba perlahan kau dekati mereka, dengarkan apa yang
mereka bicarakan, kujamin kau akan tertawa menemui mereka membahas
gita cinta SMA, kadang diselipi tangis membahana pula. Siapa sangka
makhluk-makhluk gorilla yang kerjanya hanya makan tidur dalam kelas
bisa melakukan hal seperti itu.
Oke, kembali ke anak lelaki itu. Dia tidak termasuk dalam gerombolan
gorilla awalnya. Kalaupun termasuk, dia tidak akan kumasukkan daftar
gerombolan gorilla. Dengan badan super kurus menjulang kayak tiang,
betis kecil mirip anggota girl group, rambut acak-acakan,
serta muka lusuh. Ketimbang gorilla, dia lebih cocok masuk list
gerombolan zombie.